
our practice areas

Comprehensive Legal Expertise Tailored to You

Serving our Clients in the Areas
Family Law, Estate Planning & Real Estate

In the complex world of law, having a dedicated attorney who understands the intricate details of various domains is indispensable. At Shannon Strong Law, we're more than just generalists; we've cultivated deep expertise in three main areas to provide our clients with a comprehensive suite of legal solutions. Whether you're navigating the intricacies of familial relationships, securing your legacy through estate planning, or taking decisive steps in the real estate realm, we're here to guide, support, and champion your cause.

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Navigating the emotional waters of familial disputes and concerns requires not only legal acumen but also compassion and understanding. We're here to help with:

Child Support

Ensuring that children's financial needs are met, our firm specializes in establishing, modifying, and enforcing child support agreements that align with legal standards and familial circumstances.

Child Custody

Our commitment lies in prioritizing the well-being of children, assisting parents in navigating the complexities of custody arrangements, and ensuring decisions are made in the best interests of the child.

Divorce & Separation

Navigating the emotional and logistical challenges of divorce and separation, we provide guidance on equitable asset distribution, support arrangements, and all associated legal intricacies.

Learn More About our Family Law Services

Estate Planning

Ensuring that your legacy is protected and your wishes are honored is a responsibility we take to heart. Our services include:

Will Preparation

Secure your legacy and provide clarity for loved ones; our expertise in will preparation ensures your final wishes are articulated, legally sound, and respected.


We offer guidance on the establishment and management of trusts, safeguarding assets for the benefit of specific beneficiaries and ensuring smooth transitions and distributions.


Navigating the posthumous legal landscape, we assist executors and families in ensuring the proper administration and distribution of a loved one's estate, as well as resolving any potential disputes.

Real Estate

From property disputes to transactional intricacies, our depth of knowledge ensures your interests are at the forefront:

Property Tax Disputes

Addressing disagreements related to property valuations and taxations, our firm offers representation and advice to ensure fair and accurate property tax assessments.

Real Estate Litigation

From boundary disputes to breach of contracts, we provide expert legal representation in all facets of real estate litigation, championing our clients' interests in and out of the courtroom.

Commercial Real Estate

Tailored to the unique challenges businesses face, our expertise covers everything from lease disagreements to complex property development issues, ensuring your commercial interests are protected and upheld.

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Ready to secure your future with expert legal guidance?

Whether you're confronting the intricacies of family law, charting the course of estate planning, or navigating the terrain of real estate disputes, The Law Office of Shannon Strong is your trusted legal compass. Situated in the heart of Austin, we're not just a firm—we're your steadfast ally, committed to providing clarity and direction in each unique legal challenge you face. Reach out today, and let's begin addressing your concerns with the dedication and expertise you deserve in this dynamic city we cherish.

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